Evan has outgrown his baby bath tub. My friend Tandy recommended this inflatable tub to put in the regular tub and Evan really likes it. He was getting much too big for his old tub and didn't have room to stretch out his legs or sit like he wanted to. Now it's almost as if he has his own swimming pool. He's sitting up so well now. He almost doesn't need our help anymore. We've also started talking about the next carseat stage. He's pretty much outgrown anything that says "infant" on it :-( Our baby boy isn't so much a baby anymore...
you've now entered the joys of constantly buying new/bigger stuff cause your kid keeps outgrowing the old stuff. too bad you can't just extend everything like adding a leaf to a dining room table when you have more guests. i wish i had an inflatable pool!
You'll have to share where you found that inflatable tub...Zane's getting so long that I think he'll grow out of his baby tub too (we have that same blue one).
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