Monday, May 28, 2007

The Long Weekend and Beyond

This has been such a nice weekend. We didn't really have any plans, so we spent a lot of time relaxing, shopping, and having fun with Evan! I tried not to think too much about routine this weekend and of course Evan did great as usual. Today he didn't see much of either naptime but was still in a great mood all day! Big thank you to Katherine who watched Evan on Saturday so we could watch Pirates! The thing about long weekends is that they always come to an end...

This is my last week of work before my 8 weeks off for summer. I'm so excited about the summer, I'm also a little nervous though. I have a lot of stuff to get figured out by the end of that 8 weeks: new childcare, new job, new house. But in the meantime I plan to enjoy every minute of sunshine with Evan. I want to take a class of some sort, but I haven't decided which - music, play, or yoga. I'll go back to the new mom's group I went to when I was on maternity leave and I have a few ideas for playdates. We'll probably visit my mom and grandma a few times, and of course have lunch with Jeff whenever possible. I know how fast this 8 weeks is going to go, but I won't think about that...If anyone has any ideas for summer pass them on!


Anonymous said...

glad we got to see you guys today! i can't think of anything as of right now for summer that you haven't already thought of or that you can easily do w/ a baby

Maya said...

I think we all need to get together and do a little summer walk and lunch! I have Fridays off so just let me know sometime!

Lauren Stahl said...

I would love to do walks or play dates anytime. Maybe you, Maya and I could meet on the canal sometime or something?!