Friday, June 29, 2007


Mobility and separation anxiety have hit the VerWayne bedtime routine pretty hard lately. What a double whammy! The separation anxiety hasn't been so bad during the day - he gets fussy if he can't see me, but it's been manageable. His infatuation with standing up though has been a challenge. He wants to stand up all the time but he doesn't really know how to get back down. At night when the two come! First of all he does NOT want to go to bed these days - he doesn't want to be away from us but he also doesn't want to be away from all the stuff he could be getting into. Then as soon as we leave the room he stands up in his crib and of course his pacifier falls out of his mouth and onto the floor. So now he's tired, crying, pacifierless, and he's stuck standing up - poor guy!

Last night we decided to start the Ferber method with a few alterations. Tonight was better, but it's so hard to hear him cry. He gets so worked up when he's crying that even after he falls asleep his breathing is irregular from all the sobbing :-( Hopefully this is just a stage like all the others and soon our bedtime will be back to uneventful! In the meantime these are a couple pics I took this week of Evan. I love the one with Jeff! Evan is very interested in the guitar - maybe he'll get his daddy's talent!!

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