Evan was a bit of a challenge today. Mom's house isn't childproofed so he heard a lot of no's - not a shocker that it's not his favorite word. At one point he was actually carrying a package of knives through the kitchen. Yeah, knives. For some reason knives are on ground level there. This wouldn't be a problem I guess, if I did a little better job of monitoring his whereabouts. Of course, Jeff snatched him up and shot me the "are you watching our son" glare. Miraculously, we made it out of there without a scratch, although, childproofing might be in order before his next overnight visit, hmm...
In the midst of all the festivities, we also made headway on our paint colors. After at least 10 rough drafts, at 5:30 this morning, we finally made our decisions. We had stayed up until after 12:00 last night deliberating again about colors and thought we'd had it all decided. This morning I woke up from a paint swatch nightmare worried that we'd picked too many colors, so we went back to the drawing board. It was all worth it (well, maybe.) The colors look great and I can't wait to see them on the walls.
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