We picked up my car this morning. The tire was patched, but they also had to fix the rim. Apparently a strong impact, not unlike hitting a pothole, had bent the rim into the tire. So, it's not my magnetic pull towards potholes, or even my negligence that's to blame for Jeff's flat tire last night...it's these Indiana roads!
I though I was gonna lose my VAN in a pothole on the 401 (going to Toronto) the other week. Dang roads... cause it sure as heck ain't my driving... ;)
i hit potholes all the time! i'm really surprised i haven't had any trouble yet. my tires never stay fully aired either!
I feel your pain, this was me last week, except I got the flat immediately and called my poor husband to come put my spare on, I think I know how to change it but he offered.
I hate all of these potholes, I've been lucky so far though. Yay for you getting to drive the Element though ;)
I tagged you on my blog if you want to play along :)
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