Could also be titled, "Can I get an Amen!"
Today, I got an email from the owner of my company saying that because we were doing so well financially they were going to give everyone $100 gas cards as a sign of appreciation. I was obviously pretty excited. I work in Mental Health where 1) you rarely get appreciated and 2) they rarely have money to appreciate you with. And, it's $100, right! Think of all the gas you can buy with $100! Wait a minute, that's only like 2 tanks worth. Since when did $100 become chump change?
And then I thought, well at least it will be two fill-ups that won't have to come out of our budget. Until I remembered that we're going to Evansville this month to visit family, which will essentially cost us 2 tanks worth, thereby using up the entirety of the gas card I was so excited about receiving only moments ago. Stupid gas prices, they're a real buzz kill!
sing it loud and proud sista!
better than nothing though i guess.
LOL! Do you mean Evansville, IN? I went to high school there! SMALL world!
Yep, E'ville - the one and the only...unless there are others...
Stinks, doesn't it?! My hubby's job was just relocated to another site 20 miles away. We moved here to not have a commute...then we got one anyways.
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