I did have one thing I wanted to accomplish before break was over - weaning Aida off of her pacifier. She still wakes up once or twice at night looking for it, and if we don't get it to her fast enough she doesn't go right back to sleep. She's been asking for it more and more during the day too. Meanwhile, she also still thinks she's nursing. I said "thinks she's nursing" because I'm pretty sure I no longer have much in the way of supply. We started the process yesterday, and it's been over 24 hours with no pacifier. Yesterday morning was kind of rough, and then she didn't want to go to sleep at nap time, but bedtime was a lot easier. Of course, she had just had a fall that resulted in a fat lip and Tylenol, so that might have helped. And the best part? She didn't wake up or stir once last night, again, maybe thanks to the Tylenol. Day 2 is going well so far, but we'll see how nap time goes.
One unintended result of this process is that so far she hasn't asked to nurse at all today, so I think the two were connected. For all intents and purposes she was already weaned from nursing anyway, but it's almost like sometimes she just wants to check in to make sure that I'm still here. I'll miss those times with her when they're gone, but I won't miss being a slave to the pacifier - especially at 5:30 in the morning!
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