Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Going Live

I've been doing a lot of thinking about our blog being "private," meaning you can't find it by searching the web. I'm one of those paranoid people that really believes some crazy stranger will see an ultra cute picture of our son and then track us down to steal him...have you seen his million dollar smile...it's possible! This blog exists primarily to keep our family and friends involved in Evan's life, esp those of you who don't get to see him very often. Making our blog public has some benefits in areas I've been exploring, but I would always be wondering when our stalker would show up (wow that sounds narcissistic!)

So....Jeff and I have been chewing on an idea over the last few weeks and it's recently taken shape...We're going to start an additional blog. This blog will be public but it will also be very purposeful. It will have a "parenting" theme, but it won't be personalized in the way that this one is. I don't want to give too much away just yet, because we have a lot of kinks to work out and more things to conceptualize. But I will say this much...If everything works out, there may be some things available for "purchase" on this site and it will have ongoing commentary that we hope people will find helpful and entertaining.

We don't have a go-live date yet, it's probably at least several weeks out, but we're very excited about the possibilities. And for those of you faithful VerWaynia visitors, I promise that it will remain my first love and will go on unscathed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds good