Friday, August 17, 2007

Status Report

My first week of work outside of training is complete. The first two days were a little overwhelming. I spent a lot of my time getting organized. I'm naturally pretty unorganized, so if there's too much to keep track of and I don't have a good system in place, I will lose stuff and overlook important deadlines. On Wednesday I met with my supervisor and got some questions answered and now I feel more prepared. Hope, if you're reading this, I wish I could have taken you with me...I forgot how much of the organizing you did!

One of my big questions about working part-time was whether it would still feel like I was away from Evan too much. Three days doesn't sound like a lot but I didn't know how it would feel. So far, so good. When Wednesday comes around I realize that I just started the week yesterday and it's over tomorrow. Those three days go by really fast. They're busy days, but I know at the end of them I'll be home with Evan for 4 days straight with no responsibilities!

We go to the doctor today for Evan's 9 mos appt. I'll post an update on his weigh in...I'm guessing 27lbs! I'll put some pictures up with that post too.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I'm glad work is going well so far! The short weeks do go by fast. We were definitely spoiled by Hope, but I know you'll do great on your own too :)