We've been thinking a lot lately about having our second child. Although, at this point it's much more of an intellectual decision than an emotional one. I've felt "on the clock" for our second, ever since I found out I was pregnant with Evan. We don't want our children to be too far apart primarily because of our age (actually just Jeff's - but don't tell him I said so,) and that means we can't wait too long to have another. Of course, God doesn't always take our plans into consideration, as evidenced by Evan's conception.
When we had Evan, all of that seemed so far off, but once you add in 10 months of pregnancy it gets a LOT closer. On days when Jeff and I can barely get the three of us out of the house on time, I'm overwhelmed by the thought of adding a second child to that chaos. And then on days that everything runs smoothly, I think, "why mess with a good thing?" We love Evan and we love what our family has become. It's hard to think about sharing that love with a new baby, but of course, that's because we don't know that baby yet.
I know that when the time is right, God will prepare our hearts to welcome our new edition, just like He did with Evan. When that monitor blinks "pregnant," we'll instantly have twice as much love to give. Sure we'll struggle in those first few months as we make the transition from three to four, but somehow it will all work out just like it did the first time around.
This is still some time off (and I'm not saying how long,) but it's definitely been on our thoughts, well, mine anyway...
how exciting!! it is a huge adjustment but sharing your love with two special individuals and watching the two of them interact is amazing!!
I agree with what Tandy said! I loved having our first 2 close in age! It will be crazy at times, but so worth it!
I can't imagine our life any other way and you will be amazed at how easy it really is to spread the love...and you get so many more hugs, laughs and smiles!
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