Our trip to IKEA was yesterday and I realized that we don't get out enough. We might as well have been going to Disney World with how crazy excited I was. This wasn't even our first time to IKEA, but between the road trip and the five straight hours of shopping with my hubbie, all sans-toddler, I had a lot to look forward to.
I'm pretty sure it lived up to the hype. The road trip was great. We battled Ipods and had intelligent adult conversations, such as, "list your top five favorite character deliveries on television, past or present." For the most part, we stuck to our list at IKEA, but the list was rather long, so we were lucky to get it all home.
We were up until three, maybe four by the time the gluttonous supply of mountain dew had worn off, but everything is together and looks great. However, we were insane and went to the Children's Museum today, on what seemed to be the busiest day of the year (that post is in the works,) so we're both terribly exhausted.
I'm going to let the pictures do the rest of the talking...
Our empty car
Our car full of IKEA goodness
Our never really unpacked and incredibly unsightly toy storage
Our super cool IKEA shelf - there's cubbies for all of Evan's toys and I finally have a place for my Cookbooks
My unorganized and mismatched collection of silverware
My new quadruple set of IKEA cutlery - 16 servings for $40! I'm giving away all of my old silverware and I got back a whole drawer for cooking utensils!
We finally have bar stools and we got them both for only $30!
Last but not least, we got our desk situation worked out for the den. I didn't take a before picture, but take my word for it - it was a mess. I do believe we're the most organized we've ever been. IKEA is a cheap wonderland of organization and style. We even had enough money left to bring Evan home his first train set. Yes, they even sell train sets and yes, they're only $12!!
it all looks great - you sure have been busy!!!
that huge wall cabinet is on my IKEA wish list. LOVE it :)
I love the bookshelf for your cookbooks and Evan's toys, I have wanted something like that it is great! I am glad you guys had a great trip!
looks good guys! now you can come here & organize our guest room & office for me! ;)
Don't you just love the shelves? They look great in black!
Oh IKEA how I love thee!!! Good for you guys!!! Everything looks so organized and wonderful!
I want to go there so bad! Your stuff looks great!
We went to the museum today and it was packed too! Luckily I only had 2 of my 3 ;)
Now I really want to go to Ikea, oh yeah, my house isn't even ready for organization. Scary enough I'm actually looking forward to organizing! Everything you got looks really good.
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