First off, Happy Belated Father's Day to Jeff. Of course we had a great day celebrating yesterday, but I couldn't not acknowledge
it on the blog! I just finished going through all of our vacation photos and cleaning them up. However, somehow a setting got changed on my camera so all of the pics are really small. I'm super irritated, because that limits what we can do with the shots. I'm blaming this mishap on Evan, because I'm sure it wasn't my fault! :-)

I was going to do a lot of posting last week about all the fun we had on our vacation, but I obviously got sidetracked, so now I'm doing a very quick run down. It was only entirely rainy one day, and the rest of the week we were able to be outside exploring the area. We spent most of the afternoons on the beach (even when it was chilly,) and spent the mornings doing all the fun stuff we could find. We went to a nearby completely hands-on children's museum that Evan loved. We took a land/water boat tour of Saugatuk, and we went for a dune ride that was as fun as it was beautiful because he drove really fast down the hills. Evan loved both of these because he got to sit in a regular seat - he felt very grown-up! And of course, we went out for ice cream - a lot.

We did a lot of walking/hiking around our cottage, because the community not only had awesome beaches, but sand dunes and forest trails as well. Since we were still in off-peak season, we had practically everything to ourselves. But, by going so early in the summer, we missed out on most of the park activities. There was a cool little soda bar by the beach, but it kept only limited hours while we were there. The park also has a clubhouse for kids with structured activities and lessons - all included as a resident, but it didn't open for another week. The cottage owners plan special dinners and gatherings during the summer too. I was serious about it being straight out of
Dirty Dancing! We're really looking forward to going back!

Since being home, Evan and I have started living our summer life. Evan's going to tumbling class, which is great - he gets to jump around, while hopefully learning to follow directions. We joined our local rec center and that's been great for both of us. I go to toning/aerobics classes while he plays in their big play room, and today we went to the pool afterwards with our friends and it is soo nice. The indoor pool is HUGE and has a large area for kids his age to play. He wasn't sure about the water at first, but then he started having a blast. It's a lot of fun being a rec center Mom!

The downside to summer: ants and outside responsibilities. Jeff is currently locked in a vicious battle with the little black ants that seem to think they're our roommates. It happens every year, but this year they're being especially stubborn. And then there's the endless care taking for our yard. This year starts phase 2. We need to put in a little more work on our front landscaping and then start gradually expanding it around the house. Not to mention the never-ending mowing,
that Jeff does.

I can't believe that three of my summer weeks are already behind us - this is going to be a very fast summer!

Great pictures! Sounds like an awesome vacation!
What a great vacation!
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