Friday, July 10, 2009

The Big 500

This is it, my 500th post. I suppose that's monumental, I don't know. But, it did warrant a new design for VerWaynia. It's very fresh and summery - thanks Jeff!

This blog recounts all of Evan's short life, and one of my favorite things to do is read through our archives. I love reading old posts and seeing how life here in VerWaynia has changed, how I have changed, and of course, how he has changed. I'm not always the most faithful blogger, but I try my hardest to be authentic. My hope is that years from now, because it's been an accurate portrayal, our family can re-experience 'these days' by reading VerWaynia's archives.

Anyway, it's more than just a blog to me, and hopefully to Evan one day too. Thanks for being here for the journey!

You won't hear me beg for comments (even though I love them,) but if you feel so inclined, this would be a great opportunity to let us know you're out there. Anonymous comments are ok too, unless they're weird, then I'll have to delete them :-)


morgan said...

congrats on 500! design looks great!

Nate and Jan said...

woot! woot! congrats from a faithful Verwaynian fan!

Alison said...

Love the design! What do you get when people click on the ads? I've always wondered how that works.

Kelly said...

Congrats on 500! Love the new look!