Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Jeanelle: The update is that there really is no update. I went to the doctor today and she says I'm still dialated at 2 centimeters. She made me an offer today that most couldn't refuse - she offered to induce me next week! Much to Jeff's disappointment, I said no. One of the main reasons I have decided to try natural childbirth is that I like the idea of having mobility - of couse, I may change my mind when I get there and only feel comfortable in the bed, but . . . And with an induction I might have to stay in bed more with an IV. Plus, I'd rather he came when he was ready and I'm kind of excited (and nervous) at the anticipation of "going in to labor." I usually plan away any chance for surprise in my life and I'd like this to be different - I feel much better putting Evan's arrival in God's hands! So for those of you like Jeff who would like Evan to be here sooner rather than later, you'll either have to wait a while longer or start asking God to intervene!
Go with nature if you can...that pitocin is a dozy, I was asking for my epidural less than an hour after they started the IV and my water was broken. Good Luck, you will do great!
I think you made a very wise choice. Your patience should be commended. Hang in there.
Good choice...I'm sure it was a hard one though! Pat and I can't wait to meet Evan...but we'll wait till he's ready!
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