Monday, April 16, 2007
Today is my 29th birthday. I have one more year left in my twenties. I remember when I was little thinking that thirty was sooo old, and now I'm almost there...I think that I've accomplished most things that I had wanted to do before turning 30. I have a wonderful husband and a beautiful baby boy. I'm technically a homeowner, although I'll be happier when it's a house and not a condo. I have many quality friendships. We're members of a church we're happy in, and I know what my priorities are. I probably have some unfulfilled goals, but I'm happy with the directions God has taken my life. It's weird to think how vastly different my thirties will be from my twenties, sometimes scary to think of all the unknowns ahead...but I love my God and I'm excited to see what He has in store for me and our family. Plus, I love knowing that I'll be experiencing those unknowns with Jeff - he's a great companion and partner and will make the next ten years better than the last.
happy birthday again! i hope you guys had a great day'll have to tell me how the movie was.
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday! May you have a great year!
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