Monday, June 18, 2007

Always in Awe

Yesterday we were giving Evan a bath and out of nowhere he reached out for the faucet and pulled himself up until he was standing - he did this all on his own...he was completely standing! No, No, No...we're definitely not ready for walking yet...he's too young for that right...?? He continues to amaze us! He's also getting better at the pincer grasp - it won't be long until we'll be saying yes to the cheerios question in the church nursery. I think this age is my favorite so far. I'll probably say that about every age, but I love how fun and expressive he is now. He notices everything. We play this little game when he wakes up from his nap: I hide below his bumper so he can't see me and then he tries to find me - he pulls the bumper down and practically squeezes his face into the crib railing, but he finds me! I love it! I've started to focus on teaching him words (not that he can say them, but...) and he just stares at me as if he's soaking it all in and learning every second - I use some sign language too although I need to learn more to take it much further. I've also started emphasizing phonics when I speak to him and he smiles and focuses on my mouth to see how I'm making that noise - it's amazing how much they're learning all the time!

As for Jeff and I, we're learning to be patient I suppose as we wait for our condo to sell. I have a few job interviews in the next couple weeks. One is for a three day/wk position with summers off basically doing what I do now only with a few improvements. I think that if the interview goes well, it will probably be my first choice. I'm also tossing around some new blogging is a column of sorts...stay tuned for more info on that! And I'm feverishly looking for new music - I realized that I rarely add new music to my Ipod, mainly because I don't have the time to search and discover. So, with the help of Limewire, others, and Itunes - I'm finally updating my collection. If you have any recommendations, pass them along! Oh, and the second pic is of my sister, Morgan with Evan - cute!

Congrats to my friend Kelly and her husband Mike who welcomed their third little boy last week - Lucas is adorable!!

1 comment:

Maya said...

That shot through the crib is sooo cute!