Friday, July 27, 2007


Today our routine got a little off and Evan was not cooperating with naptime. After several efforts, I decided to pick him up and rock him (I know, I know...big no no!!)

Let me preface the rest of this story by saying that Evan knows when we're "encouraging" him to to sleep...when we give him his pacifier or tigger he'll start to cry because he knows what's coming next. It's been a long time since I've sung to him at bedtime, but when he was younger I used to sing two songs every night: "It Is Well With My Soul" and a silly song I had made up about going to sleep. I was holding him today, singing "rock-a-bye-baby," but when I began singing these songs he started to cry.

Maybe he randomly picked that moment to cry, or maybe he was just trying to tell me something about my voice...but I think he remembered those lullabies and knew they signified sleep. It doesn't seem likely, he was probably less than 4 mos old the last time I sang those songs, but I know I saw recognition in his sleepy eyes. Anyway, it was one of those amazing parenting moments that you want to remember, so I'm writing it down.

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