This weekend Jeff and I decided to buy airline tickets to Italy for our anniversary next June! Most of you know that we've been trying unsuccessfully to sell our condo. For now, we're ok with that because there's not a house we're dying to buy. However, in the meantime, we have money saved that's just collecting dust.
Italy is our dream vacation and we've been putting it off for various reasons since before we got married. If we wait much longer, we definitely won't have the money and I'll be pregnant again. Once we have two kids, Italy will seem like a pipe dream.
So, Carpe Diem! We haven't made the purchase yet, but we're in the planning stages and will probably buy the tickets soon so we don't change our minds! Another huge part of this decision is being away from Evan, because I'm pretty sure we'll be going without him on this trip.
I talked to my mom today and I think we might try an overnight visit to her house soon. We've gone on dates before where others have put him to bed, but we've never really been away from him overnight. There are a few huge advantages to this idea...Having a night completely to ourselves where we don't have to arrange for a sitter and make sure we're home by a certain time, and our definite favorite...SLEEPING IN!!!
The idea of us actually going to Italy seems very surreal! It's been something we've talked about for so long but I really wondered if the time would ever be right. I'm not sure if this decision will really sink in for many months to come, but I'm excited to start "planning" our trip!
You should definitely do it!! You'll love Italy and you're right it will be harder later. I would love a vacation like that especially without the kids!
If you need any info on planning let me know, plus we might have some maps and stuff when we get back. We have less than a week before we are landing in Rome!!! :)
And good for you, it is still important for you and Jeff to do things with and without Evan. Even though you will miss him, I'm sure it will be a time you will never forget.
Amanda P.
I'm really excited to get this going. I know it has to happen eventually, but handing Evan off for a night or longer to someone else is a big deal. I know it has to happen, but it makes me nervous!
Italy or bust.
YEAHHHHHHHHH!!! I am so excited for you guys. I know the biggest step for us on our trip was purchasing the tickets, because then it was set and time to plan!
It will be so hard to leave Evan I'm sure but try it several times before you go and you guys will be fine. It will be great for the two of you! Refreshing, relaxing, exciting and all of that good stuff!
Italy is awesome! I am excited for you guys.
you can take me instead of evan.... :)
Sounds like a terrific idea! If you need me for Evan let me know. Love ya! :)
Tim's web page is Take a look when you get a chance. Love ya!
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