Katherine came over last night and helped me put the elliptical together. She had put hers together and knew what she was doing, so I decided to let Jeff off the hook. I officially have exercise equipment in my home, and now it's time to start using it. The trick will be finding the time. I'm going to see how Evan responds to it - I'd love it if he would play in his room while I'm using the elliptical. We'll try that today and see how he does.
I'm a little anxious about the elliptical because I know I'm way out of shape. Back when I was a faithful gym attender, it was no big deal to spend thirty minutes on the elliptical. I know I'll be lucky to make it ten today and that's depressing!
Completely unrelated - our dining room furniture comes on Friday. We have a kitchen table, so it wasn't absolutely necessary to buy a dining room set yet. However, that's been the one piece of furniture I've been the most excited about owning since I moved out on my own. I've never had the space for one before, and I can't wait to have more than four people over for dinner.
Good luck finding time! I'm sure you'll be back up to 30min in no time.
Yay for the dining room table coming! You'll have to post a pic.
We are still looking for the perfect dinning room table, but I am sure we will find one eventually. As for finding time to work out, I usually run when the girls are taking their nap, or after they go to bed at night. Hopefully Evan will like it. Today I brought the girls down to the basement and set up their little pen and they just played while I did my workout!
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