This is a question for all of you boggers...
The other day I was reading random blogs, that were probably referred from a blog that was referred from a blog that was referred from another blog, and they were passing around this cool "tag." I have no idea what sites I saw it on because I failed to bookmark them and I'm not even totally sure of the full gist of the tag, but I remembered really liking the concept.
So, here's my question - could I, after making several disclaimers that I did not invent said tag, start that tag in my neck of the woods, or would that be plagiarism? And do you always have to wait for one of those tags to come your way, which is highly unlikely, or can you jump on the bandwagon without being invited?
you just go right ahead and jump on that wagon -- I think the only reason people mention where they first saw the tag is so that the other person can see 'their' answers. I don't know of any blog rules and I don't think any of us who do tags and memes (odd word) actually know the original tag authors. Play away my friend!
I say go for it too!
Pshaw, go for it, woman! Tags are to a great extent a way for people to promote their own blog. I've seen people invent them for no other reason than so they could get other bloggers to mention them. You go do what you want!
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