We had tater tots for lunch today, among several other supremely healthy items. I, of course, dipped mine in ranch dressing because I've yet to find a savory food that couldn't stand to benefit from a little ranch in its life. So far, Evan hasn't been that interested in ranch or any other type of sauce. He likes to dip his food because he sees us doing it, but then he won't eat said food because it has "icky" stuff on it.
Today he still wouldn't eat the tater tot after it had been dipped, but he would rub it all over his mouth and lick the ranch dressing off. He was a complete mess!
The girls love to do this with ketchup, it sure is cute, but what a mess!
how gross evan! :)
oh, but don't you wanna give him a big smooch!? :)
Too cute! Ranch does make everything yummy, I agree!
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