Monday, April 19, 2010

Here they are...the Spring/Summer recipes!

They're finally done! This is the 2010 installment of VerWaynian Delicacies: Spring/Summer Edition. This set is 20 weeks long again, and about half are new recipes. I tried to include a lot of salad-type entrees and a few meals that are well-suited for grilling. Jeff was also able to give the design a fresh look, and I love it!

For all of the VerWaynian Delicacies history, see this post. Remember that I organize the menus and shopping lists to work together and for the weeks to be used in order, so always double check a shopping list when you want to use a week independently. Actually, while you're at it, you might want to double check everything. I make no guarantee that these are error free. In fact, I can guarantee that there will be a least a few errors, despite my best efforts to the contrary! Also, these menus and recipes are tailored to meet the needs and likes of our household, but ingredients can always be substituted to your preferences, so hopefully you can benefit from them as well.

There's been a change to the host for this edition. I'm using Goggle Docs now and the link will take you directly to the PDF, so you won't have to download them if you don't want to. From now on, there will be two buttons on the blog's side bar, one for each of the most recent editions, but you can also access them from this post, by clicking on the above picture.

I'm off now to enjoy the next 5 months of no meal planning, as if baby Aida's arrival won't keep me busy enough! Until Fall and the next edition, enjoy these recipes and feel free to share them with anyone and everyone, that's why I post them!

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